Denny Borsboom
Keywords: Theory construction, network analysis, psychometrics
Han van der Maas
Keywords: Complex systems, cascading transitions, psychological processes
Maarten Marsman
Assistant Professor
Keywords: Bayesian, networks, psychometrics
Riet van Bork
Assistant Professor
Keywords: Conceptual issues, causal interpretation, networks
Marie Deserno
Assistant Professor
Keywords: Developmental networks, cognitive change, developmental disorders
Johnny van Doorn
Assistant Professor
Keywords: Bayesian, open science, statistics
Lourens Waldorp
Associate Professor
Keywords: Causality, networks, statistics
Don van den Bergh
Postdoctoral Researcher
Keywords: Graphical models, Bayesian model averaging, Bayesian hypothesis testing
Giuseppe Arena
Postdoctoral Researcher
Keywords: Networks, Bayesian
Tessa Blanken
Postdoctoral Researcher
Keywords: Networks, insomnia, interventions
Noah van Dongen
Postdoctoral Researcher
Keywords: Theory development, philosophy of science, database of phenomena and models
Jonas Dalege
Postdoctoral Researcher
Keywords: Attitudes, beliefs, networks
Jonas Haslbeck
Postdoctoral Researcher
Keywords: Statistical (network) modelling, time series analysis, computational modelling
Karoline Huth
Postdoctoral Researcher
Keywords: Public health, Bayesian, Networks
Julian Burger
PhD Student
Keywords: Idiographic networks, momentary assessment, case formulation
Maarten van den Ende
PhD Student
Keywords: Adaptive networks, addiction, formal modeling
Kyra Evers
PhD Student
Keywords: Early warning signals, psychopathology, dynamical systems
Adam Finneman
PhD Student
Keywords: Complexity, cities, formal modelling
René Freichel
PhD Student
Keywords: Developmental psychopathology, networks, executive functioning
Nikola Sekulovski
PhD Student
Keywords: Bayesian, hypothesis Testing, networks
Jill de Ron
PhD Student
Keywords: Dynamical systems, networks, psychopathology
Ria Hoekstra
PhD Student
Keywords: Network analysis, time-series modelling, individual differences
Alessandra Mansueto
PhD Student
Keywords: Experience sampling method, networks, personalized psychotherapy
Jesse Boot
PhD Student
Keywords: Cascading transitions, addiction
Iris Smal
PhD Student
Keywords: Attitudes, psychosocial systems, polarization