Stable R packages
- bgms
- bootnet
- ClusterVAR
- cstab
- cusp
- fspe
- graphicalVAR
- inet
- IsingFit
- IsingSampler
- mgm
- mlVAR
- mnet
- mousetrap
- qgraph
- semPlot
Developmental R packages
Interactive simulation and analysis software
- PRPmodel app. This application, by Gaby Lunansky, is an interactive summary of the following paper: Lunansky, G., van Borkulo, C. D. , & Borsboom, D. (under review). Personality, resilience, and psychopathology: A model for the interaction between slow and fast network processes in the context of mental health. )
- Major depression as a complex system. This simulation, developed by Bas Châtel and Julia Anten, implements the hysteresis analysis in Cramer, A. O. J., van Borkulo, C. D., Giltay, E. J., van der Maas, H. L. J., Kendler, K.S., Scheffer, M. & Borsboom, D. (2016). Major depression as a complex dynamic system. PLoS One, 11, 1-20. In addition, the simulation allows for simulating interventions.
- Symptom spread model for depression. This interactive simulation program developed by Claudia van Borkulo, allows you to see how different network architectures respond to external stress. In 2011, this program led to the accidental discovery of hysteresis effects in the depression network we were using to simulate data from.
- Vulnerability to depression. This interactive simulation, by Claudia van Borkulo, allows you to examine network response to stressors. It includes the possibility to manipulate the network by changing the activation of individual symptoms and administering shocks (setting all symptom activation to zero at a given time point).
- JASP. JASP is a Bayesian statistics program developed by E.J. Wagenmakers and his team, which has included network analysis since 2018. Here and here are short tutorials on how to execute a network analysis in JASP.