Three new NWO-Veni projects on networks

A very successful round of 2014 NWO grant applications for network researchers!

Our own Angélique Cramer received a Veni grant to further develop network methodology and apply that to mood disorders:

  • Network psychometrics: methods for exposing the architecture and dynamics of mood disorders
    Dr A.O.J. (Angélique) Cramer (f), University of Amsterdam – Psychometrics
    In the network approach a psychological disorder is a consequence of interactions between symptoms (gloomy and fretting). In this proposal methods to construct and analyse these networks will be further developed. Subsequently the networks of patients with mood disorders will be investigated: for example, can we predict when the patient will experience a relapse?

Hanneke Wigman of Groningen University received a Veni grant to investigate symptom networks in the etiology of psychosis:

  • Networks of symptoms in psychosis
    Dr J.T.W. (Hanneke) Wigman (f), University Medical Centre Groningen – Psychiatry
    The researcher will study the development of psychoses (a lost sense of reality) by describing networks of early symptoms and by examining per person how these symptoms influence each other. This will help to develop personalised treatment recommendations.

Annemarie Kalis of Utrecht University received a Veni grant to investigate the role of mental content in empirical psychological research, one subproject of which is devoted to network models:

  • A role for content and mental causation in empirical psychology
    Dr A. Kalis (f), Utrecht University – Philosophy
    Many mental states have content: our convictions, desires, intentions ‘are all about something’. Empirical psychology, however, scarcely offers space for the notion of content. This project will develop a philosophical analysis that shows how mental content can and should play a role in in empirical psychological research.