Network Analysis
- Dates: September – October 2014
- University: University of Amsterdam
- Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
This course was part of the Psychological Research Methods specialization in the Research Master Psychology program.
Week 1: Introduction to Network Analysis
Lecturer: Sacha Epskamp
- A (very) short introduction to R
- The Network Takeover
- Comorbidity: A Network Perspective
- Network Analysis: An Integrative Approach to the Structure of Psychopathology
Week 2: Correlational Structures
Lecturer: Sacha Epskamp
- qgraph: Network Visualizations of Relationships in Psychometric Data
- Dimensions of Normal Personality as Networks in Search of Equilibrium: You Can’t Like Parties if You Don’t Like People
Week 3: Network Descriptives
Lecturer: Sacha Epskamp
- Lecture slides: Descriptive Analysis of Network Graph Characteristics
- Practical slides: Network Descriptives using qgraph
- State of the aRt personality research: A tutorial on network analysis of personality data in R
- The small world of psychopathology
- Node centrality in weighted networks: Generalizing degree and shortest paths
- Collective dynamics of ‘small-world’networks
Week 4: Causal Networks
Lecturer: Denny Borsboom
- Lecture notes: d-separation
- Judea Pearl – Causality (chapter 1 and epilogue)
Week 5: Directed Network Discovery
Lecturer: Claudia van Borkulo
- Lecture notes
- Cosma Shalizi: Discovering Causal Structure from Observations
- Causal Inference Using Graphical Models with the R Package pcalg
- bnlearn website
Week 6: Markov Random Fields
- Lecture slides part 1: Introduction to Markov Random Fields (PDF)
- Lecture slides part 2: Non-normality and LASSO Estimation (PDF)
- State of the aRt personality research: A tutorial on network analysis of personality data in R
- A new method for constructing networks from binary data
- A new method for constructing networks from binary data: Supplementary Information